Monday, July 26, 2004

Monday night ramblings

I thought that practice would be cancelled tonight as coach was taking a holiday on her birthday, but no, there was no escape. A dismal showing of 4 of us turned up. Sigh. I thought I could have the night off too.

I've been so tied up with work and practice that I've forgotten what it's like to have free time on my hands. I simply cannot remember what it's like to just stay at home and watch the idiot box. In fact, I have not watched TV for ages. I'm so used to being out of the house that throw me one night with nothing to do, I'll still won't be clicking the remote; I'd find a way to get out somehow.

My body clock has adjusted as such that I simply cannot fall asleep before 1-2am. I can put myself in bed but that doesn't mean I will get any shut-eye. Even when I was sick the past few days, I still didn't fall asleep until 1.30am. It's very unusual for me to be home on a weekday before midnight, which is why I'm up typing this odd entry for my blog, eating home-made yoghurt which I made last week.

At my feet I have boxes of soap and candle-making basics which are almost a year old, bought last year when I was heavily interested in these handicrafts. I still am but I never got around to trying my hand at candle-making. I used to buy soapbase from a craft shop but I never went there again after I was given a very sarcastic answer at a time I was purchasing more than RM1,000 worth at one go (I asked if I could get a 'bulk discount' and all I got in return was a sarcastic "No, our prices are already at their lowest"), and besides that their soapbase was not well done; all slimy and soft and gooey. My last attempt at making soap from scratch was a failure and I've never gotten around to trying it again. My excuse is that I'm waiting for my aunt to come back to KL so I can get more advice from her.

I can't remember a weekend when I actually have energy to practise these crafts. I'm looking at my calendar and I see competition after competition. If I'm not at a competition, it's a party. If it's not a party, then I'm out with my friends. The rare occasions I actually get to stay home, I just take the much-needed rest. Ever heard the phrase, "I'll catch up on all my sleep the first year I'm dead"?

I have a sadly neglected website which I update only every 6-12 months. I have my team website in planning stage and is half-built but I have yet to complete it even after 2 months. I have the ideas but not the energy or time to do them.

I have 3 medium-sized boxes full of items I brought home when I graduated 3 years ago, which are still under the staircase collecting dust. Every long weekend or long break I promise myself that I will actually sort the stuff out, but I never get around to it.

I have 3 tables full of my things that are now spilling on the floor, which I also promised to clean up every time there was an upcoming long weekend, but they suffer the same fate as the abovementioned boxes.

I have 2 wardrobes and a cupboard full of clothes which I wanted to sort out. I did reorganise them earlier this year, but it's surprising how quickly they fall into disarray again. I have already set aside a small pile of clothes to be given away at the bottom of one of the wardrobes, but I think there is more that need to be added to that pile. My friend told me that she read in a magazine that if there are clothes in your cupboard not worn for more than 6 months, then it's time to get rid of it. That probably means one entire wardrobe of mine has to be given away... since most of the clothes in there belong to my sister who is enjoying herself in UK and might not come back for years.

I have some repertoire which I badly need to run through on my electone but I have not found the time to do so. I have a software exercise to try before my demo on Wednesday but here I am postponing it by typing this darn blog!

And yet in spite of it all... let it be known that I would never change my lifestyle for anything!